Stock Market Game

Why we’re playing: We are playing a stock market game in class because of the book Westing Game and it’s main character, Turtle Wexler who is obsessed with a stocks. In the game we have $20,000 and we invest into a Max 6 companies (I did 4). We are doing this to understand The Westing Game more, understand the stock market, and learn how to work a spreadsheet. My stocks company name is Mosstocka because my name is Mostafa (you will see a picture of my logo up top).

Above is a spreadsheet of the stocks that I invested in. I invested in Apple because everyone nowadays has an iPhone and people will continue to buy iPhones, especially with the iPhone 12 coming out a few months ago and Apple is producing new products everyday.

I invested in Netflix because everyone watches shows and movies by the day and I believe unless something crazy happens people will continue to keep watching shows and movies everyday, and at the rate of the Netflix stock and how the company’s doing the Netflix stock will continue to go up.

I invested in Starbucks because Starbucks is one of if not the best coffee company out right now and once a lot of people are vaccinated more and more people will keep going. This should help the Starbucks stocks go up.

I invested in Pfizer because Pfizer is one of the biggest vaccine companies and once a group that has a lot of people can get the vaccine (like kids) the Pfizer stocks should go way up.

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